– Tonight’s WWE RAW opens with the usual intro video. We’re live from the Bridgestone Arena in Nashville, Tennessee with Michael Cole, JBL and Booker T.
– We go right to the ring and out comes Randy Orton to a big pop. Let's check WWE raw
We see stills from Orton’s return at Fastlane last night as he makes his way to the ring. Orton takes the mic and fans chant his name. Orton says he’s got something to get off his chest. Orton asks if anyone has noticed he’s been out of action for 4 months. He blames it on Seth Rollins and The Authority. Orton shows us what happened back in November when we last saw him on RAW. Orton says he’s been replaying that scene in his head and he’s here to tell the world that he’s just now getting started. He says Rollins got away at Fastlane but it’s just a stay of execution. Orton tells Rollins to get his ass out to the ring now. Triple H’s music hits instead and out he comes with Stephanie McMahon, Kane and Big Show.
Stephanie welcomes Orton back and says he made a hell of a return at Fastlane and has made another big return tonight. She says that’s the Randy Orton everybody loves. She gets fans to chant his name again. She says that Orton is the one she wants as the face of WWE. Orton says he’s not a part of this family, not a part of The Authority and won’t be forgiving Rollins. Orton says he’s going to bash Rollins’ head in. Stephanie is confident Orton can forgive Rollins. She says Orton left them no choice back in November. She says they’re all willing to forgive him. Stephanie tells Orton to come back home and fans start a “no!” chant. Orton says that’s tempting but he’d rather kick some ass than kiss some ass. Big Show tries to talk but fans boo him heavily. Big Show tells Orton he understands the anger because he’s had to put some to the side also. Show says joining The Authority was the best personal decision he’s ever made. Fans chant “you sold out” at Show.
Orton says he’s not interested in selling out. Stephanie tells Orton he’s not a good guy and never has been one. A RKO chant breaks out as Stephanie gets in Orton’s face and yells. Stephanie wants to talk this out like professionals so Orton can do what’s right and come back home. Fans chant “no!” again. Stephanie asks Orton if he will listen and he just crosses his arms. They go to leave the ring but Triple H just stares Orton down for a minute. Triple H’s music hits as the group heads to the back and Orton looks on. Orton takes the mic and stops them. Orton says he will come to their business meeting in the back. He drops the mic and looks on.
– Still to come – what’s next for John Cena. Also, we will hear from Roman Reigns.
Bad News Barrett vs. Dolph Ziggler
We go to the ring and out comes WWE Intercontinental Champion Bad News Barrett, without his belt. We go to commercial.
Back from the break and we see stills from Barrett vs. Dean Ambrose at Fastlane. Barrett is in the ring cutting a promo and calls Ambrose a common thief. Barrett says he’s the champion and wants his property back. Dolph Ziggler’s music interrupts and out he comes for a non-title match. We see R-Truth on commentary. Truth came out during the commercial and is here because he got a win over Barrett last Thursday.
They lock up but Barrett drops Ziggler with a big right hand. Barrett takes control and beats Ziggler around the ring. Barrett drops Ziggler for a 2 count. Ziggler comes back with a neckbreaker and an elbow drop for 2. Barrett counters in the corner and delivers a big kick to Ziggler’s chest. Barrett with another 2 count. Barrett drapes Ziggler over the top rope and works him over. Barrett with a running knee and another 2 count. Barrett with knees to the back. Ziggler looks to make a comeback but Barrett drops him again. Barrett with more strikes. Barrett whips Ziggler hard into the corner and he goes down. Barrett with a 2 count. Barrett misses a big boot and gets hung up on the ropes. Ziggler kicks him to the floor and we go to commercial.
Back from the break and Ziggler is fighting to his feet. Barrett runs into a right hand in the corner. Ziggler leaps onto Barrett and mounts him with right hands as fans count along. Barrett blocks a neckbreaker and goes for Wasteland but Ziggler turns it into a DDT for a 2 count. During the break, Barrett threw Ziggler into Truth. Ziggler jumps on Barrett’s back but gets tossed. Barrett levels Ziggler and powerbombs him for another 2 count. Barrett readies for a Bullhammer elbow but Ziggler ducks it and rolls him up for 2. Ziggler with a kick to the gut. The Fame-asser is blocked. Barrett misses a boot but hits Winds of Change for another 2 count. Barrett with stomps in the corner now. Barrett catches a superkick and goes for Wasteland but Ziggler slides out and rolls him up for 2. Barrett charges but hits the ring post. Ziggler nails a Zig Zag for the win.
Winner: Dolph Ziggler
– After the match, Dean Ambrose comes out to a pop. He has Barrett’s title belt. Ambrose taunts Barrett and talks trash while Barrett is down in the corner. Ambrose turns around and Ziggler is standing there. They both look at the Intercontinental Title. Ambrose leaves the ring and still has possession of the belt as Barrett looks on.
– Still to come, a look at Sting and Triple H. Back to commercial.
– We see stills from the Fastlane confrontation between Sting and Triple H. Still to come, a special look at Sting.
– Seth Rollins is backstage with the rest of The Authority and Randy Orton. Stephanie thanks them for coming. Rollins interrupts and says they can’t really be bringing Orton back. Stephanie yells at Rollins for disrespecting her and asks if he has a problem because she’s a woman. She tells him to stand down. Kane chimes in. Stephanie goes on and Rollins asks how they’re supposed to trust Orton again. Stephanie asks Orton if he’s able to move forward. Orton extends his hand and Rollins shakes it. Triple H has been looking on with his arms crossed. Stephanie announces Orton and Rollins vs. Reigns and Bryan for tonight. Stephanie thanks them and we go to commercial.
Darren Young and Titus O’Neil vs. The Ascension
Back from the break and The Prime Time Players are doing their dance. Konnor and Viktor of The Ascension are out next.
We see a sidebar video from earlier where The Ascension dissed 2015 Hall of Famers The Bushwhackers and The Prime Time Players. Young starts off with Viktor and gets taken to the corner. Konnor comes in for some double teaming and they continue the beatdown on Young in the corner. Konnor with a big right hand and an uppercut. Konnor with more stomps in the corner. Viktor tags in with chops and a suplex for a 2 count. Viktor with a headlock as Titus tries to get fans to rally.
Konnor comes back in with a double shoulder and a 2 count. Young tries for a tag but Konnor pull him back and knocks Titus off the apron. Konnor turns around and Young fights back. Young with a clothesline and a belly to belly throw. Young yells that this is his house but Konnor counters and sends him hard into the corner. Viktor tags in and it looks like they botch a double team move for a 2 count. Titus runs in and knocks Konnor out but gets sent to the floor also. Young ends up rolling Viktor up for The Ascension’s first loss.
Winners: Darren Young and Titus O’Neil
– After the match, they attack Young and fight off Titus. The Ascension hits Fall of Man on Young and pose over him as their music hits.
– Still to come, Roman Reigns. Back to commercial.
– Back from the break and we get a look at The Rock at the Oscars.
– We go to the ring and #1 contender Roman Reigns makes his way through the crowd to a pop. We see stills from his match against Daniel Bryan at Fastlane.
Reigns says it’s been one hell of a month. He talks about winning the Royal Rumble and then defeating Daniel Bryan at Fastlane. Reigns declares that he’s going to WrestleMania. Reigns says he knows a lot of people were rooting for the other guy but to all of his doubters… Bryan’s music interrupts and out he comes to a pop.
Bryan says he didn’t mean to interrupt, wait yes he did. Bryan says he knew Reigns deserved to get the shot last night but like a lot of these fans, he just booed inside. Bryan says he is the biggest Roman Reigns doubter there is. Bryan talks about Reigns has the look and size. He’s seen a bunch of guys who have that but don’t have half the heart that he does. Bryan says that’s why fans don’t like Reigns and a “yes!” chant starts. Bryan says that’s why he didn’t like Reigns. Bryan says he gave the match everything he had and then some but still couldn’t do it. Bryan doesn’t regret a thing because he gave it all he had. Bryan says Reigns proved to him that Reigns has more heart than he ever thought. Bryan talks about how they fought last night and says, “sir, you beat me.” Bryan congratulates Reigns and extends his hand. They shake. Bryan says if there’s one Superstar he wants to team with in the main event tonight, it’s Reigns. Bryan tells Reigns to go beat the crap out of Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania 31. Bryan drops the mic and leaves to a pop as his music plays. As Bryan is making his way up the ramp, out comes Paul Heyman. Heyman lets Bryan walk to the back before walking down to the ring and introducing himself.
Heyman says he’s not here to cause trouble. He congratulates Reigns on his impressive victory at Fastlane. Heyman says his money would always be on Reigns, no matter what man he faced. Heyman praises Reigns and says he would take him over several others including John Cena, Steve Austin, Hulk Hogan and Bruno Sammartino. Heyman says he picked Reigns to win the Rumble and to defeat Bryan last night. Heyman says Reigns is the guy. Heyman points up at the WrestleMania banner and says Reigns is the right guy in the right place at the wrong time because Reigns isn’t fighting a man at WrestleMania, he’s fighting a beast. Heyman says he has so much respect for Reigns but Reigns can’t slay his beast, can’t conquer the conqueror. Heyman says Lesnar will be announced as champion after the WrestleMania main event. Heyman gets closer to Reigns. Reigns asks him to stand in a different spot. Reigns tells Heyman to tell him one more time that he can’t. Reigns tells Heyman to give him some more motivation. Reigns says he’s going to beat Brock at WrestleMania. Reign says respect goes out the window because it’s not about beating Lesnar, it’s about how he’s going to beat Lesnar. Reigns tells Heyman to believe that and lets him leave the ring as his music hits.
– The announcers plug the WWE Network’s birthday week. Still to come, Reigns and Bryan vs. Rollins and Orton. Also, The Usos will get their rematch from Fastlane. Back to commercial.
WWE Tag Team Title Match: The Usos vs. Cesaro and Tyson Kidd
Back from the break and out comes The Usos to get their rematch. Naomi joins them. New WWE Tag Team Champions Cesaro and Tyson Kidd are out next with Natalya.
Cesaro starts off with Jimmy Uso. Uso goes for an early pin attempt. Cesaro comes back and tags in Kidd. They double team but end up getting dropped for a pin attempt. Kidd ends up putting Natalya in the way. More back and forth. Uso turns Kidd upside down in the corner and charges for another 2 count. Kidd dumps Uso to the floor. He jumps from the apron onto both Usos and they catch him. The Usos toss Kidd into the barrier and backdrop Cesaro on the floor. They bring Kidd back in for a 2 count as Cesaro breaks the pin. Jimmy knocks Cesaro over the top. Jey goes to the top and hits a crossbody on Kidd for a 2 count as we go to commercial.
Back from the break and we see Cesaro hit a big uppercut during the break. Kidd comes off the top with an elbow now but Jey gets his knees up. Cesaro comes in and knocks Uso off the apron but gets rolled up. Cesaro drops Jey for another 2 count. Cesaro with the Cesaro Swing as Kidd comes in for the 2 count. Kidd takes Jimmy back out. Cesaro tags in to double team Jey. Cesaro takes Jey to the top and decks him. Cesaro tags in Kidd and climbs back up with Uso. Uso turns it around and slams Cesaro to the mat. Uso hits a big splash on Cesaro but Cesaro isn’t the legal man. Kidd breaks that pin with a big elbow drop for a 2 count. Uso misses a splash in the corner. Kidd goes for a pin and uses the ropes for leverage. Naomi pushes his legs off the rope. Natalya comes over and takes Naomi down. Uso goes to the top after a superkick but Natalya crotches him for the disqualification.
Winners by DQ: The Usos
– Naomi runs over and takes Natalya down before the winners are announced. Natalya looks to be hurt as Kidd and Cesaro check on her. Kidd helps Natalya to the back as we get replays.
– Back from a break and we get a look at Vince McMahon’s Muscle & Fitness cover.
– The Miz and Damien Sandow are backstage. Miz is upset over how his jacket was packed because there’s lint on it. Miz mentions how he needs to win the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal. Sandow thanks Miz because he’s been receiving offers and phone calls from agents since Miz fired him from being his stunt double.
– We get a look at Bray Wyatt’s challenge to The Undertaker. We go backstage to Wyatt and the coffin he had at Fastlane. Wyatt cuts a promo on The Undertaker and says he’s going to finish the job at WrestleMania. Wyatt says he knows Taker is afraid but there’s no reason to hide. Wyatt says it’s better down here. He shuts the coffin lid and tells Taker to find him.
Stardust vs. Jack Swagger
We go to the ring and out comes Stardust. We go to commercial.
Back from the break and Jack Swagger is making his way out. Stardust strikes first and unloads on Swagger in the corner. Stardust has on his usual attire and not the tights from Fastlane. Swagger comes back and takes out the knee. Stardust counters a Swagger Bomb and goes for a Disaster Kick but Swagger grabs him for the Patriot Lock. Stardust makes it to the rope and turns it back around. Goldust’s music hits and out he comes. Swagger takes advantage of the distraction and makes Stardust tap out.
Winner: Jack Swagger
– Fans taunt Stardust wit a “Cody” chant after the match as he throws a fit and Goldust looks on.
– We see stills from John Cena vs. Rusev at Fastlane. Still to come, Cena will be here live. Back to commercial.
– Back from the break and out comes John Cena to a big mixed reaction.
Cena says Fastlane was one of the last stops on the road to WrestleMania and with the WWE Universe on the edge of their seats, Rusev took him to the limit. Cena says for the first time in his career, he had Rusev looking into the eyes of defeat. Cena says it was a true championship contest. Cena mentions the low blow that Rusev hit him with. Cena says he has no problem with losing but he has a problem with Rusev parading around like some kind of hero. Cena says Rusev proved he’s nothing more than a coward. Rusev’s music hits and out comes the WWE United States Champion with Lana.
Lana speaks from the stage and says “we told you so.” Lana tells the fans to shut up and tells Cena he failed last night. Like all Americans, Cena gave up. Lana praises Rusev and says Cena was humbled by him. We see a photo of Vladimir Putin on the big screen and fans boo some more. A USA chant starts as Rusev grabs the mic. Rusev says he broke Cena at Fastlane. Rusev says it’s his time now and nobody can beat him. Rusev tells Cena to admit he is beneath Rusev and that Rusev is better. Rusev wants Cena to admit Rusev and Russia are better than Cena and America. Cena tells Rusev he better watch his ass when talking about the United States of America. Lana mocks him. She says his whole life is just a lie. She shows us a photo of Cena face down in the mat after losing last night. Cena fires back with a promo about fighting. Cena rips Rusev and says he’s no hero. Cena says Rusev is garbage and it’s time to take the trash out. Cena says he’s going to bring the US Title home where it belongs. Cena says he’s going to beat Rusev’s ass at WrestleMania 31. Rusev says Cena doesn’t deserve a rematch and his answer for WrestleMania is no. Rusev’s music hits and a Russian flag drops down over Cena in the ring. Rusev and Lana head to the back as Cena exits the ring.
– We get a look back at Seth Rollins and The Authority from earlier tonight. Rollins, Joey Mercury and Jamie Noble walk up on Orton backstage. Orton says if Rollins wants to talk strategy, he needs to leave his pets at the door and Rollins dismisses them. Orton says consider them on the same page for the sake of what’s best for business. Rollins says that’s great and they can forget about the past. Orton said there’s not a chance in hell he will forget what happened but they shake hands and are ready for the main event. Rollins walks off and Orton looks on.
– Still to come, a special look at Sting.
Paige and Emma vs. The Bella Twins
We go to the ring and out comes Paige. Back to commercial.
Back from the break and Cole shows us an in-depth video package on Sting. The announcers hype Sting vs. Triple H at WrestleMania 31 as Emma makes her entrance. WWE Divas Champion Nikki Bella and Brie Bella are out next.
Brie starts off with Emma, who has to calm Paige down first. Paige is yelling at Nikki for being a cheater and Brie shoves her off the apron. This distracts Emma, allowing Brie to drop her on her face for the very quick win.
Winners: The Bella Twins
– After the bell, Paige comes in for Brie but Nikki lays her out. Nikki tells Paige to keep her hands off her sister and raises the title up. The Bella Twins leave as fans boo.
– Still to come, the next 2015 Hall of Fame announcement. Back to commercial.
– Back from the break and we get the 2015 Hall of Fame video for The Bushwhackers.
Curtis Axel vs. Ryback
We go to the ring and Curtis Axel is pointing at the WrestleMania 31 sign. He takes the mic and tells us not to turn the channel. Axel talks about how he’s been in the Rumble match for over 29 days because he still hasn’t been eliminated. The AxelMania movement is alive and well. He deserves his WrestleMania moment and is now entering himself into the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal. Ryback interrupts and makes his way out.
Ryback comes out and cuts a promo. He also announces himself for the Andre Battle Royal at WrestleMania. The bell rings and they go at it. Axel unloads and beats Ryback into the ropes. Axel runs his mouth and Ryback hits a big clothesline. Ryback hits Shellshocked and covers for the easy win.
Winner: Ryback
– Still to come, Orton and Rollins vs. Reigns and Bryan. Back to commercial.
– Back from the break and Ziggler, Ryback and Rowan vs. Rollins, Show and Kane is announced for SmackDown.
Seth Rollins and Randy Orton vs. Roman Reigns and Daniel Bryan
We go to the ring and out comes Seth Rollins with Joey Mercury and Jamie Noble. Rollins gives a big introduction to his partner Randy Orton and out he comes. Roman Reigns is out first for his team and he comes through the crowd to a pop. Daniel Bryan is out next to the biggest pop of the four.
Back from a break and the bell rings. Bryan and Rollins start things off. Bryan takes Rollins down with a knee to the gut and applies a surfboard. Reigns tags in and slams Rollins while he’s in the surfboard. Rollins slides out of a scoop slam and tags in Orton. They lock up and Reigns applies a headlock. Reigns drops Orton with a shoulder. Reigns runs the ropes and Orton hits a dropkick as Kane and Big Show applaud from ringside. Orton turns it around on Reigns now. Reigns comes out of the corner with a big clothesline and tags in Bryan. Reigns holds Bryan as he comes off the top. Bryan works on Orton’s arm now.
Orton counters and works over Bryan now. Rollins tags in and keeps Bryan down. Bryan blocks a right hand and fires back with shots of his own. Rollins connects with a kick but Bryan dumps him to the floor. Bryan goes for a dive but Orton rushes Rollins to safety and Bryan puts on the brakes. The Authority meets to discuss strategy as Bryan looks on from the ring and we go to commercial.
Back from the break and Orton is in control of Reigns in the ring. Reigns was beat up at ringside during the break. Reigns knocks Rollins in the mouth now but Orton takes him back to the corner and works him over. Reigns fights back but Orton hits a big clothesline out of the corner. Rollins tags in and mounts Reigns with right hands on the mat. Reigns fights back and catches Rollins with a big side slam. Bryan gets a tag finally and knocks Orton to the floor. Bryan unloads on Rollins and clotheslines him after running the ropes. Bryan with kicks while Rollins is on his knees as fans do the “yes!” chant. Rollins ducks a kick and rolls Bryan up for 2. Bryan turns that into a Yes Lock. Orton comes in and breaks it up. Reigns runs in and decks Orton. Reigns sends Orton to the floor. Rollins knocks Reigns out of the ring. Bryan tosses Rollins to the floor and dives out, sending him into the barrier. Bryan brings him back in and goes to the top. The Stooges provide distraction and Rollins crotches Bryan on the top.
Rollins with a 2 count on Bryan. Orton comes in and keeps up the offense on Bryan. Orton with headbutts and uppercuts in the corner until the referee backs him off. Orton whips Bryan hard into the corner and he goes down. Orton takes Bryan to the top and climbs up for a superplex. Bryan fights him off and headbutts Orton to the mat. Bryan goes for the diving headbutt but Orton rolls out of the way. Rollins and Reigns tag in at the same time. Reigns strikes first and hits a big flying forearm. Reigns with big strikes in the corner as fans count along. Reigns drops Rollins on his face and calls for the Superman punch. Mercury gets on the apron eats it instead. Rollins takes advantage of the distraction and Reigns goes down. Orton tags in and goes at it with Reigns. Orton hits his trademark powerslam as Big Show cheers him on. Orton goes for the draping DDT but Rollins tags himself in and Orton doesn’t like it. Orton hits the DDT anyway and gets out of the ring pissed off. Orton says “screw this” as Kane and Show try to calm him down. Reigns dodges a Curb Stomp and hits the Superman punch on Rollins. Bryan tags himself in and Reigns just laughs it off. Bryan hits the knee on Rollins for the win.
Winners: Daniel Bryan and Roman Reigns
– After the bell, Orton looks on as Kane talks him down. Bryan’s music hits as he and Reigns celebrate some. Rollins recovers in the ring as Orton paces around at ringside. The camera goes black and all we can see is the USA Network logo. The feed comes back on and we see Orton standing in the corner of the ring while Rollins tries to get to his feet. Orton walks over to Rollins but Noble comes in and Orton hits him with a RKO. Orton picks Rollins up in the corner, looks at him and just leaves the ring as fans boo. Orton’s music hits as Rollins looks on shocked. We go back to the announcers for a WWE Network plug. RAW goes off the air with The Authority talking in the ring after another set of replays.
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WWE raw |
– We go right to the ring and out comes Randy Orton to a big pop. Let's check WWE raw
We see stills from Orton’s return at Fastlane last night as he makes his way to the ring. Orton takes the mic and fans chant his name. Orton says he’s got something to get off his chest. Orton asks if anyone has noticed he’s been out of action for 4 months. He blames it on Seth Rollins and The Authority. Orton shows us what happened back in November when we last saw him on RAW. Orton says he’s been replaying that scene in his head and he’s here to tell the world that he’s just now getting started. He says Rollins got away at Fastlane but it’s just a stay of execution. Orton tells Rollins to get his ass out to the ring now. Triple H’s music hits instead and out he comes with Stephanie McMahon, Kane and Big Show.
Stephanie welcomes Orton back and says he made a hell of a return at Fastlane and has made another big return tonight. She says that’s the Randy Orton everybody loves. She gets fans to chant his name again. She says that Orton is the one she wants as the face of WWE. Orton says he’s not a part of this family, not a part of The Authority and won’t be forgiving Rollins. Orton says he’s going to bash Rollins’ head in. Stephanie is confident Orton can forgive Rollins. She says Orton left them no choice back in November. She says they’re all willing to forgive him. Stephanie tells Orton to come back home and fans start a “no!” chant. Orton says that’s tempting but he’d rather kick some ass than kiss some ass. Big Show tries to talk but fans boo him heavily. Big Show tells Orton he understands the anger because he’s had to put some to the side also. Show says joining The Authority was the best personal decision he’s ever made. Fans chant “you sold out” at Show.
Orton says he’s not interested in selling out. Stephanie tells Orton he’s not a good guy and never has been one. A RKO chant breaks out as Stephanie gets in Orton’s face and yells. Stephanie wants to talk this out like professionals so Orton can do what’s right and come back home. Fans chant “no!” again. Stephanie asks Orton if he will listen and he just crosses his arms. They go to leave the ring but Triple H just stares Orton down for a minute. Triple H’s music hits as the group heads to the back and Orton looks on. Orton takes the mic and stops them. Orton says he will come to their business meeting in the back. He drops the mic and looks on.
– Still to come – what’s next for John Cena. Also, we will hear from Roman Reigns.
Bad News Barrett vs. Dolph Ziggler
We go to the ring and out comes WWE Intercontinental Champion Bad News Barrett, without his belt. We go to commercial.
Back from the break and we see stills from Barrett vs. Dean Ambrose at Fastlane. Barrett is in the ring cutting a promo and calls Ambrose a common thief. Barrett says he’s the champion and wants his property back. Dolph Ziggler’s music interrupts and out he comes for a non-title match. We see R-Truth on commentary. Truth came out during the commercial and is here because he got a win over Barrett last Thursday.
They lock up but Barrett drops Ziggler with a big right hand. Barrett takes control and beats Ziggler around the ring. Barrett drops Ziggler for a 2 count. Ziggler comes back with a neckbreaker and an elbow drop for 2. Barrett counters in the corner and delivers a big kick to Ziggler’s chest. Barrett with another 2 count. Barrett drapes Ziggler over the top rope and works him over. Barrett with a running knee and another 2 count. Barrett with knees to the back. Ziggler looks to make a comeback but Barrett drops him again. Barrett with more strikes. Barrett whips Ziggler hard into the corner and he goes down. Barrett with a 2 count. Barrett misses a big boot and gets hung up on the ropes. Ziggler kicks him to the floor and we go to commercial.
Back from the break and Ziggler is fighting to his feet. Barrett runs into a right hand in the corner. Ziggler leaps onto Barrett and mounts him with right hands as fans count along. Barrett blocks a neckbreaker and goes for Wasteland but Ziggler turns it into a DDT for a 2 count. During the break, Barrett threw Ziggler into Truth. Ziggler jumps on Barrett’s back but gets tossed. Barrett levels Ziggler and powerbombs him for another 2 count. Barrett readies for a Bullhammer elbow but Ziggler ducks it and rolls him up for 2. Ziggler with a kick to the gut. The Fame-asser is blocked. Barrett misses a boot but hits Winds of Change for another 2 count. Barrett with stomps in the corner now. Barrett catches a superkick and goes for Wasteland but Ziggler slides out and rolls him up for 2. Barrett charges but hits the ring post. Ziggler nails a Zig Zag for the win.
Winner: Dolph Ziggler
– After the match, Dean Ambrose comes out to a pop. He has Barrett’s title belt. Ambrose taunts Barrett and talks trash while Barrett is down in the corner. Ambrose turns around and Ziggler is standing there. They both look at the Intercontinental Title. Ambrose leaves the ring and still has possession of the belt as Barrett looks on.
– Still to come, a look at Sting and Triple H. Back to commercial.
– We see stills from the Fastlane confrontation between Sting and Triple H. Still to come, a special look at Sting.
– Seth Rollins is backstage with the rest of The Authority and Randy Orton. Stephanie thanks them for coming. Rollins interrupts and says they can’t really be bringing Orton back. Stephanie yells at Rollins for disrespecting her and asks if he has a problem because she’s a woman. She tells him to stand down. Kane chimes in. Stephanie goes on and Rollins asks how they’re supposed to trust Orton again. Stephanie asks Orton if he’s able to move forward. Orton extends his hand and Rollins shakes it. Triple H has been looking on with his arms crossed. Stephanie announces Orton and Rollins vs. Reigns and Bryan for tonight. Stephanie thanks them and we go to commercial.
Darren Young and Titus O’Neil vs. The Ascension
Back from the break and The Prime Time Players are doing their dance. Konnor and Viktor of The Ascension are out next.
We see a sidebar video from earlier where The Ascension dissed 2015 Hall of Famers The Bushwhackers and The Prime Time Players. Young starts off with Viktor and gets taken to the corner. Konnor comes in for some double teaming and they continue the beatdown on Young in the corner. Konnor with a big right hand and an uppercut. Konnor with more stomps in the corner. Viktor tags in with chops and a suplex for a 2 count. Viktor with a headlock as Titus tries to get fans to rally.
Konnor comes back in with a double shoulder and a 2 count. Young tries for a tag but Konnor pull him back and knocks Titus off the apron. Konnor turns around and Young fights back. Young with a clothesline and a belly to belly throw. Young yells that this is his house but Konnor counters and sends him hard into the corner. Viktor tags in and it looks like they botch a double team move for a 2 count. Titus runs in and knocks Konnor out but gets sent to the floor also. Young ends up rolling Viktor up for The Ascension’s first loss.
Winners: Darren Young and Titus O’Neil
– After the match, they attack Young and fight off Titus. The Ascension hits Fall of Man on Young and pose over him as their music hits.
– Still to come, Roman Reigns. Back to commercial.
– Back from the break and we get a look at The Rock at the Oscars.
– We go to the ring and #1 contender Roman Reigns makes his way through the crowd to a pop. We see stills from his match against Daniel Bryan at Fastlane.
Reigns says it’s been one hell of a month. He talks about winning the Royal Rumble and then defeating Daniel Bryan at Fastlane. Reigns declares that he’s going to WrestleMania. Reigns says he knows a lot of people were rooting for the other guy but to all of his doubters… Bryan’s music interrupts and out he comes to a pop.
Bryan says he didn’t mean to interrupt, wait yes he did. Bryan says he knew Reigns deserved to get the shot last night but like a lot of these fans, he just booed inside. Bryan says he is the biggest Roman Reigns doubter there is. Bryan talks about Reigns has the look and size. He’s seen a bunch of guys who have that but don’t have half the heart that he does. Bryan says that’s why fans don’t like Reigns and a “yes!” chant starts. Bryan says that’s why he didn’t like Reigns. Bryan says he gave the match everything he had and then some but still couldn’t do it. Bryan doesn’t regret a thing because he gave it all he had. Bryan says Reigns proved to him that Reigns has more heart than he ever thought. Bryan talks about how they fought last night and says, “sir, you beat me.” Bryan congratulates Reigns and extends his hand. They shake. Bryan says if there’s one Superstar he wants to team with in the main event tonight, it’s Reigns. Bryan tells Reigns to go beat the crap out of Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania 31. Bryan drops the mic and leaves to a pop as his music plays. As Bryan is making his way up the ramp, out comes Paul Heyman. Heyman lets Bryan walk to the back before walking down to the ring and introducing himself.
Heyman says he’s not here to cause trouble. He congratulates Reigns on his impressive victory at Fastlane. Heyman says his money would always be on Reigns, no matter what man he faced. Heyman praises Reigns and says he would take him over several others including John Cena, Steve Austin, Hulk Hogan and Bruno Sammartino. Heyman says he picked Reigns to win the Rumble and to defeat Bryan last night. Heyman says Reigns is the guy. Heyman points up at the WrestleMania banner and says Reigns is the right guy in the right place at the wrong time because Reigns isn’t fighting a man at WrestleMania, he’s fighting a beast. Heyman says he has so much respect for Reigns but Reigns can’t slay his beast, can’t conquer the conqueror. Heyman says Lesnar will be announced as champion after the WrestleMania main event. Heyman gets closer to Reigns. Reigns asks him to stand in a different spot. Reigns tells Heyman to tell him one more time that he can’t. Reigns tells Heyman to give him some more motivation. Reigns says he’s going to beat Brock at WrestleMania. Reign says respect goes out the window because it’s not about beating Lesnar, it’s about how he’s going to beat Lesnar. Reigns tells Heyman to believe that and lets him leave the ring as his music hits.
– The announcers plug the WWE Network’s birthday week. Still to come, Reigns and Bryan vs. Rollins and Orton. Also, The Usos will get their rematch from Fastlane. Back to commercial.
WWE Tag Team Title Match: The Usos vs. Cesaro and Tyson Kidd
Back from the break and out comes The Usos to get their rematch. Naomi joins them. New WWE Tag Team Champions Cesaro and Tyson Kidd are out next with Natalya.
Cesaro starts off with Jimmy Uso. Uso goes for an early pin attempt. Cesaro comes back and tags in Kidd. They double team but end up getting dropped for a pin attempt. Kidd ends up putting Natalya in the way. More back and forth. Uso turns Kidd upside down in the corner and charges for another 2 count. Kidd dumps Uso to the floor. He jumps from the apron onto both Usos and they catch him. The Usos toss Kidd into the barrier and backdrop Cesaro on the floor. They bring Kidd back in for a 2 count as Cesaro breaks the pin. Jimmy knocks Cesaro over the top. Jey goes to the top and hits a crossbody on Kidd for a 2 count as we go to commercial.
Back from the break and we see Cesaro hit a big uppercut during the break. Kidd comes off the top with an elbow now but Jey gets his knees up. Cesaro comes in and knocks Uso off the apron but gets rolled up. Cesaro drops Jey for another 2 count. Cesaro with the Cesaro Swing as Kidd comes in for the 2 count. Kidd takes Jimmy back out. Cesaro tags in to double team Jey. Cesaro takes Jey to the top and decks him. Cesaro tags in Kidd and climbs back up with Uso. Uso turns it around and slams Cesaro to the mat. Uso hits a big splash on Cesaro but Cesaro isn’t the legal man. Kidd breaks that pin with a big elbow drop for a 2 count. Uso misses a splash in the corner. Kidd goes for a pin and uses the ropes for leverage. Naomi pushes his legs off the rope. Natalya comes over and takes Naomi down. Uso goes to the top after a superkick but Natalya crotches him for the disqualification.
Winners by DQ: The Usos
– Naomi runs over and takes Natalya down before the winners are announced. Natalya looks to be hurt as Kidd and Cesaro check on her. Kidd helps Natalya to the back as we get replays.
– Back from a break and we get a look at Vince McMahon’s Muscle & Fitness cover.
– The Miz and Damien Sandow are backstage. Miz is upset over how his jacket was packed because there’s lint on it. Miz mentions how he needs to win the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal. Sandow thanks Miz because he’s been receiving offers and phone calls from agents since Miz fired him from being his stunt double.
– We get a look at Bray Wyatt’s challenge to The Undertaker. We go backstage to Wyatt and the coffin he had at Fastlane. Wyatt cuts a promo on The Undertaker and says he’s going to finish the job at WrestleMania. Wyatt says he knows Taker is afraid but there’s no reason to hide. Wyatt says it’s better down here. He shuts the coffin lid and tells Taker to find him.
Stardust vs. Jack Swagger
We go to the ring and out comes Stardust. We go to commercial.
Back from the break and Jack Swagger is making his way out. Stardust strikes first and unloads on Swagger in the corner. Stardust has on his usual attire and not the tights from Fastlane. Swagger comes back and takes out the knee. Stardust counters a Swagger Bomb and goes for a Disaster Kick but Swagger grabs him for the Patriot Lock. Stardust makes it to the rope and turns it back around. Goldust’s music hits and out he comes. Swagger takes advantage of the distraction and makes Stardust tap out.
Winner: Jack Swagger
– Fans taunt Stardust wit a “Cody” chant after the match as he throws a fit and Goldust looks on.
– We see stills from John Cena vs. Rusev at Fastlane. Still to come, Cena will be here live. Back to commercial.
– Back from the break and out comes John Cena to a big mixed reaction.
Cena says Fastlane was one of the last stops on the road to WrestleMania and with the WWE Universe on the edge of their seats, Rusev took him to the limit. Cena says for the first time in his career, he had Rusev looking into the eyes of defeat. Cena says it was a true championship contest. Cena mentions the low blow that Rusev hit him with. Cena says he has no problem with losing but he has a problem with Rusev parading around like some kind of hero. Cena says Rusev proved he’s nothing more than a coward. Rusev’s music hits and out comes the WWE United States Champion with Lana.
Lana speaks from the stage and says “we told you so.” Lana tells the fans to shut up and tells Cena he failed last night. Like all Americans, Cena gave up. Lana praises Rusev and says Cena was humbled by him. We see a photo of Vladimir Putin on the big screen and fans boo some more. A USA chant starts as Rusev grabs the mic. Rusev says he broke Cena at Fastlane. Rusev says it’s his time now and nobody can beat him. Rusev tells Cena to admit he is beneath Rusev and that Rusev is better. Rusev wants Cena to admit Rusev and Russia are better than Cena and America. Cena tells Rusev he better watch his ass when talking about the United States of America. Lana mocks him. She says his whole life is just a lie. She shows us a photo of Cena face down in the mat after losing last night. Cena fires back with a promo about fighting. Cena rips Rusev and says he’s no hero. Cena says Rusev is garbage and it’s time to take the trash out. Cena says he’s going to bring the US Title home where it belongs. Cena says he’s going to beat Rusev’s ass at WrestleMania 31. Rusev says Cena doesn’t deserve a rematch and his answer for WrestleMania is no. Rusev’s music hits and a Russian flag drops down over Cena in the ring. Rusev and Lana head to the back as Cena exits the ring.
– We get a look back at Seth Rollins and The Authority from earlier tonight. Rollins, Joey Mercury and Jamie Noble walk up on Orton backstage. Orton says if Rollins wants to talk strategy, he needs to leave his pets at the door and Rollins dismisses them. Orton says consider them on the same page for the sake of what’s best for business. Rollins says that’s great and they can forget about the past. Orton said there’s not a chance in hell he will forget what happened but they shake hands and are ready for the main event. Rollins walks off and Orton looks on.
– Still to come, a special look at Sting.
Paige and Emma vs. The Bella Twins
We go to the ring and out comes Paige. Back to commercial.
Back from the break and Cole shows us an in-depth video package on Sting. The announcers hype Sting vs. Triple H at WrestleMania 31 as Emma makes her entrance. WWE Divas Champion Nikki Bella and Brie Bella are out next.
Brie starts off with Emma, who has to calm Paige down first. Paige is yelling at Nikki for being a cheater and Brie shoves her off the apron. This distracts Emma, allowing Brie to drop her on her face for the very quick win.
Winners: The Bella Twins
– After the bell, Paige comes in for Brie but Nikki lays her out. Nikki tells Paige to keep her hands off her sister and raises the title up. The Bella Twins leave as fans boo.
– Still to come, the next 2015 Hall of Fame announcement. Back to commercial.
– Back from the break and we get the 2015 Hall of Fame video for The Bushwhackers.
Curtis Axel vs. Ryback
We go to the ring and Curtis Axel is pointing at the WrestleMania 31 sign. He takes the mic and tells us not to turn the channel. Axel talks about how he’s been in the Rumble match for over 29 days because he still hasn’t been eliminated. The AxelMania movement is alive and well. He deserves his WrestleMania moment and is now entering himself into the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal. Ryback interrupts and makes his way out.
Ryback comes out and cuts a promo. He also announces himself for the Andre Battle Royal at WrestleMania. The bell rings and they go at it. Axel unloads and beats Ryback into the ropes. Axel runs his mouth and Ryback hits a big clothesline. Ryback hits Shellshocked and covers for the easy win.
Winner: Ryback
– Still to come, Orton and Rollins vs. Reigns and Bryan. Back to commercial.
– Back from the break and Ziggler, Ryback and Rowan vs. Rollins, Show and Kane is announced for SmackDown.
Seth Rollins and Randy Orton vs. Roman Reigns and Daniel Bryan
We go to the ring and out comes Seth Rollins with Joey Mercury and Jamie Noble. Rollins gives a big introduction to his partner Randy Orton and out he comes. Roman Reigns is out first for his team and he comes through the crowd to a pop. Daniel Bryan is out next to the biggest pop of the four.
Back from a break and the bell rings. Bryan and Rollins start things off. Bryan takes Rollins down with a knee to the gut and applies a surfboard. Reigns tags in and slams Rollins while he’s in the surfboard. Rollins slides out of a scoop slam and tags in Orton. They lock up and Reigns applies a headlock. Reigns drops Orton with a shoulder. Reigns runs the ropes and Orton hits a dropkick as Kane and Big Show applaud from ringside. Orton turns it around on Reigns now. Reigns comes out of the corner with a big clothesline and tags in Bryan. Reigns holds Bryan as he comes off the top. Bryan works on Orton’s arm now.
Orton counters and works over Bryan now. Rollins tags in and keeps Bryan down. Bryan blocks a right hand and fires back with shots of his own. Rollins connects with a kick but Bryan dumps him to the floor. Bryan goes for a dive but Orton rushes Rollins to safety and Bryan puts on the brakes. The Authority meets to discuss strategy as Bryan looks on from the ring and we go to commercial.
Back from the break and Orton is in control of Reigns in the ring. Reigns was beat up at ringside during the break. Reigns knocks Rollins in the mouth now but Orton takes him back to the corner and works him over. Reigns fights back but Orton hits a big clothesline out of the corner. Rollins tags in and mounts Reigns with right hands on the mat. Reigns fights back and catches Rollins with a big side slam. Bryan gets a tag finally and knocks Orton to the floor. Bryan unloads on Rollins and clotheslines him after running the ropes. Bryan with kicks while Rollins is on his knees as fans do the “yes!” chant. Rollins ducks a kick and rolls Bryan up for 2. Bryan turns that into a Yes Lock. Orton comes in and breaks it up. Reigns runs in and decks Orton. Reigns sends Orton to the floor. Rollins knocks Reigns out of the ring. Bryan tosses Rollins to the floor and dives out, sending him into the barrier. Bryan brings him back in and goes to the top. The Stooges provide distraction and Rollins crotches Bryan on the top.
Rollins with a 2 count on Bryan. Orton comes in and keeps up the offense on Bryan. Orton with headbutts and uppercuts in the corner until the referee backs him off. Orton whips Bryan hard into the corner and he goes down. Orton takes Bryan to the top and climbs up for a superplex. Bryan fights him off and headbutts Orton to the mat. Bryan goes for the diving headbutt but Orton rolls out of the way. Rollins and Reigns tag in at the same time. Reigns strikes first and hits a big flying forearm. Reigns with big strikes in the corner as fans count along. Reigns drops Rollins on his face and calls for the Superman punch. Mercury gets on the apron eats it instead. Rollins takes advantage of the distraction and Reigns goes down. Orton tags in and goes at it with Reigns. Orton hits his trademark powerslam as Big Show cheers him on. Orton goes for the draping DDT but Rollins tags himself in and Orton doesn’t like it. Orton hits the DDT anyway and gets out of the ring pissed off. Orton says “screw this” as Kane and Show try to calm him down. Reigns dodges a Curb Stomp and hits the Superman punch on Rollins. Bryan tags himself in and Reigns just laughs it off. Bryan hits the knee on Rollins for the win.
Winners: Daniel Bryan and Roman Reigns
– After the bell, Orton looks on as Kane talks him down. Bryan’s music hits as he and Reigns celebrate some. Rollins recovers in the ring as Orton paces around at ringside. The camera goes black and all we can see is the USA Network logo. The feed comes back on and we see Orton standing in the corner of the ring while Rollins tries to get to his feet. Orton walks over to Rollins but Noble comes in and Orton hits him with a RKO. Orton picks Rollins up in the corner, looks at him and just leaves the ring as fans boo. Orton’s music hits as Rollins looks on shocked. We go back to the announcers for a WWE Network plug. RAW goes off the air with The Authority talking in the ring after another set of replays.
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